Send Mishloach Manot to Israel with

Send Purim Baskets - Mishloach Manot to Israel!

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see something here that you need the answer to? Contact Us and we will add it, where appropriate.

How can I pay with Credit Card if I don't have a paypal account?

You don't need a paypal account to pay with credit card via paypal's securepayment system

PayPal accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover credit/debit cards (and for UK members, they also accept Switch and Solo debit cards).Please note: A debit card with a MasterCard or Visa logo would be considered a credit card. Generally most cards with the mastercard or visa logo are acceptable cards.PayPal accepts Diners Club cards that have the MasterCard logo on the card.

When you are brought to the paypal page:

  • Find the text on the left hand side of the page that says: Don't have a PayPal account?
  • On the next line, click the continue link.
  • Fill in your credit card number
  • Fill in your expiration date
  • In the CSC box, fill in your 3 Digit Card Security Code. This is the 3-digit number printed on the back of your card. It appears after and to the right of your card number. If you are using American Express the security code is a 4-digit number printed on the front of your card. It appears after and to the right of your card number.
  • Click the review order and continue button.
  • At this point, if any information is incorrect, you will be asked to correct it. Do so and click the review order and continue button.
  • All that is left to do is click the pay now button!

How do I order multiple shalach manos packages?

After you click the "add to my cart" button, you will be sent to a page that asksyou to fill in all your information about the recipient of the package. This willlet us know where that package is to be sent. Once you enter in all the informationand click on the "add to cart" button at the bottom, you will be taken to the shoppingcart page, where you can view your items in the shopping cart.To add another purchase to the same or different shipping address, click the continueshopping button. This will take you to the home page. Repeat the procedure above, andyour next purchase will be added to the shopping cart.

Can payments be done in other currencies?

All prices are displayed in US dollars. When you go to the shopping cart page however,there is a currency drop down menu, which can be used to change the currency to yourpreferred currency.